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除了UNE的187英亩土地被保护为保护区, the University owns 136 acres of developed land. 和任何大学校园一样, much of the developed land includes flower beds, 草坪, 还有运动场. UNE’s grounds crew seeks to maintain exemplary aesthetics that includes 纹理, 色彩和多样性,努力平衡大学社区对有机实践的渴望与保持校园美丽的要求. This is accomplished by a “think first, 最后喷”的理念, 与缅因州农药控制委员会一致,并在需要害虫和肥料的地方进行预防工作. 人们对多年生植物和本地植物的吸引力也越来越感兴趣和认识.

An aerial view of the Biddeford Campus showing campus buildings, 附近的森林, 海滩, 河, 还有大海

另外, 校园里的主题花园越来越多,并将土地与环境科学等各种课程领域联系起来, 药理学, 艺术, 和农业. All of these projects have benefited from collaboration between faculty, who have joined forces across curricular areas to offer research and multidisciplinary support; staff, 包括设施, 图书馆, and 可持续性 employees who have provided labor, 资金, and advocacy support; and students, 谁是项目成功不可或缺的一部分,通过实习和资助倡导. 

We invite you to explore each of these gardens and projects and join the effort.




我们的比德福德校区, located in beautiful coastal Maine on 560 acres, is situated at the mouth of the Saco River where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Habitats including forested vernal pools, 沼泽, 湿地为蚊子和由此产生的蚊媒病毒创造了理想的栖息地. 该大学的综合有害生物管理(IPM)计划的目标包括通过抑制威胁公共健康和安全的有害生物来维护安全和可持续的校园环境,保护人类健康. A natural predator approach is a logical solution.

灭蚊工程, 源于环境健康与安全部门和环境项目之间的合作努力, 一直是比德福德校区减少蚊子数量的生物控制方法的支柱. IPM计划的这一组成部分包括为食蚊鸟和蝙蝠创造栖息地,并增加驱蚊植物的存在. 这两个部门合作监督每年夏天管理该项目的学生实习生的教育和工作.

There are 20–35 birdhouses in any given year on UNE’s Biddeford Campus. 这些盒子是为本土东部蓝鸟和树燕筑巢而设计的. Because mosquitoes are one of their food sources, the birds provide a natural way to reduce mosquito populations.

Learn more about the birds on campus

每年夏天,一名实习学生都会密切监视每个鸟窝,检查鸟巢、鸟蛋和雏鸟. The students get to know each clutch of baby birds personally as they hatch, and they weigh and leg-band the chicks for record-keeping purposes. 我们还为每年返回筑巢地交配和产卵的成年鸟戴上手铐. 我们收集了成虫和雏鸟的粪便样本,并使用分子技术确定成虫吃什么种类的蚊子并喂养它们的雏鸟, if they eat different species in different times of the summer, and if bluebirds and tree swallows differ in their use of mosquitoes as food.

U N E students take p艺术 in the coastal clean up removing trash from freddy 海滩
A hand holds a small bird that is p艺术 U N E's mosquito control project
Planter with mosquito-resistant plants
The sign describing mosquito control in a planter with mosquito-resistant plants
A small bird pokes its head out of a birdfeeder


Naturally mosquito-repellent plants, 比如薰衣草, 罗勒, 迷迭香, 金盏花, 最重要的是雪铁罗, 或是香天葵, are favored alternatives to synthetic mosquito-repellent 化学物质. 比德福德校区蚊虫控制项目的一个重要组成部分是在大多数建筑物的入口处战略性地放置盆栽植物.

Learn more about mosquito-repellent plants

激活驱走蚊子的香味的关键是用身体来刷洗和摩擦所有这些植物的叶子. 我们的地面部发现了一个鼓励这种行为的聪明方法,那就是种植更多的食物, 包括圣女果, 在锅里. When people pass the pots and reach in to pick a tomato or herb, they inadvertently brush the leaves of the mosquito-repellent plants, releasing the beneficial fragrances.


蝙蝠以各种昆虫为食,如夜间飞行的昆虫、苍蝇、蚊子、飞蛾和甲虫. A little brown bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes an hour. Several bat boxes have been placed on campus to provide much-needed habitat, 但到目前为止, few have used them in the summer months.

Learn more about providing homes for bats

在缅因州为八种不同的蝙蝠提供家园比以往任何时候都更加重要. 〇白鼻子综合症 这种致病菌 — caused the bat population to decline by 90% in hibernacula across New England. 白鼻综合症导致蝙蝠过早地从冬眠中醒来,并利用它们储存的脂肪储备来度过冬天. 



雨水花园s are a form of low-impact, 可持续发展的景观, intended to mitigate the effects of rainfall on impervious surfaces, 比如人行道和屋顶. Situated at the source of storm水 run-off, a rain garden is designed to slow the flow of 水, 吸收多余的营养, 过滤污染物.

In 2013, 49 students and five faculty members came together, 作为合作环境服务学习项目的一部分(由缅因州校园契约EPA拨款资助),在正规澳门赌场网络比德福德校区的Marcil/Morgane停车场规划和创建一个雨花园.

学生们收集了一份正规澳门赌场网络雨水花园设计的注释书目和其他校园项目的案例研究, 开发设计, 安装, and maintenance plans for the garden, grew the majority of plants from seed, 种植花园, and developed educational materials for use in the garden. 设施团队在施工期间提供了巨大的协作支持.

正规澳门赌场网络的雨水花园从周围的停车场和入水管收集雨水, 以及直接降雨. The 150+ plants in the rain garden, 代表17个以上物种, 是根据它们耐受干旱和/或过量水分条件的能力而特别选择的吗. All of the plants in the rain garden are native to Maine, providing valuable resources and habitat to Maine’s native wildlife.

为了美观和实用的目的,在花园的设计中考虑了多种植物的特点. 株高, 纹理, 花的颜色, 盛开的季节, 水, and soil requirements were all features that played into the arrangement of plants. 此外, the garden’s aesthetics were enhanced through the addition of a stone walking path, wooden signage and a bridge (made of wood sourced from a local business), and seating (made from 240 recycled milk jugs).

雨园继续作为正规澳门赌场网络研究人员以及科学和环境研究课程的自然实验室, while also benefiting the community as a whole.

Milkweed growing in the Biddeford Campus rain garden
Different types of flowers growing in the rain garden
A U N E student works in the Biddeford campus rain garden
The rain garden with greenery, rocks, and bridge on the Biddeford Campus


在2013年的春天, 参加生态恢复环境研究课程的学生在正规澳门赌场网络比德福德校区学生学业成功中心附近的停车场种植了一个原生草原花园. Composed of wildflower and grass species native to Maine, the garden’s plants were grown from seeds by the students.

而典型的草坪和后院景观涉及到非本地的草和花,需要大量的水投入, 化学物质, 和化肥, as well as frequent use of polluting equipment to maintain the desired appearance, 原生草原花园减少了维持景观美化所需的能量和资源. 非常适应缅因州的气候, 这些植物扎根很深, 哈代, 和非侵入性的, 它们是本地蝴蝶和其他重要昆虫物种所需的寄主植物. 它们展示了人类改造的景观如何在促进生物多样性和更健康的生态系统的同时变得美丽.